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【HR直推】纽约互联网金融企业Data Analyst实习机会



Rank: 1

发表于 2019-4-30 11:11:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 PrimeVestCA 于 2019-4-30 11:12 编辑

纽约互联网金融企业Amenity Analytics 开放Data Analyst实习机会,需要会基础编程技能

Amenity Analytics develops cloud-based analytics tools to help businesses draw actionable insights from text on a massive scale. With domain-expertise in the Financial sector, Amenity’s products transform unstructured data into targeted information and deliver it in elegant formats that are intuitive to use, frictionless to onboard, and designed to complement existing workflows.
A leading FinTech company in New York City is looking to fill an immediate need by adding new Data Analyst intern to their growing staff. In this role, the intern will be responsible for training our Artificial Intelligence engine by performing financial data analysis on dynamic, real-world events while working with other team members. This position is a unique opportunity to join a dynamic, high performance, results-oriented culture; the team includes proven leaders from the technology and financial industries.
About Amenity Analytics
The Amenity Edge: The Amenity Analytics Business Intelligence and Investment Platform creates and validates nuanced strategies by synthesizing data extracted via Amenity Analytics’ proprietary Text Mining Engine with fundamental, technical and event data, resulting in actionable and justified business decisions.
Skills Needed:
·       Passion for solving problems with data
·       High velocity of idea generation
·       Minimal programming knowledge
·       Works well with others


PrimeVest Group是专业的职业咨询辅导公司,从2003年起,我们已向许多学员提供了优质的求职服务,协助数以千计的留学生,大学本科生和毕业生成功就业。PrimeVest与全美多家公司都有合作,合作公司涉及领域遍布金融、会计、机械工程、市场、CS等多个专业领域,海量职位虚位以待。 我们坚持学员第一的服务原则,承诺无面试全额退款的政策。 如果您还在为找工作而发愁的话,请加wx 【primevestgroup】免费咨询

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