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[其他] 种税皆可于在线申报1



Rank: 2


发表于 2015-1-27 09:13:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Your first name and initial: e.g. Shr-Wei, SC (C为Last Name的第一个字母)
Last Name: Chen
Identifying number: Social Security Number (SSN) 或Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)。若都没有,请洽询ISSS申请ITIN。
Present home address…and next: 填写地址
Of what country were you a citizen or national during 2011(以此参考)?: China
Give address outside the United States…: 退税时您可能已回到中国,您可选择将税款直接存入您美国账户,或是将支票寄到您中国地址
Give address in the country where you are a permanent resident: 中国地址
Filing Satus: 在1或2前面打勾
3. Wages, salaries, tips, etc: 请填入W-2 Form的Box 1,如果有好几张请加起来
4. Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes: 这边的算法事实上有点复杂,洋桃留学是建议填0
5. Scholarship and fellowship grants: 填入1042-S的Box 2
6. Total wages and scholarships exempt by a treaty: 填0
7. Add lines 3, 4, and 7: 把3, 4, 5三行数字加起来
8. Scholarship and fellowship grants excluded: 填0
9. Student loan interest deduction: 填0
10. Adjusted gross income: 第7行减第8行再减第9行
11. Itemized deductions: 请填入W-2 Form的Box 17+Box 19
12. Subtract line 11 from line 10: 第10行减第11行
13. Exemption deduction: 请填入3200
14. Taxable income. Subtract line 13 from line 12: 第12行减第13行
15 Tax. Find your tax in the Tax Table on pages 12 20: 自说明书12-20页中查应缴的税
16. Social security and Medicare tax….: 填0
17. Add lines 15 and 16. This is your total tax: 第15行加第16行
18. Federal income tax withheld: 1042-S的Box 7+W-2的Box 2
19. 2011(以此参考) estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2004 return: 填0
20. Credit for amount paid with Form 1040-C: 填0
21 Add lines 18 through 20: 第18行加到第20行
22. If line 21 is more than line 17, subtract line 17 from line 21: 比较第17行与第21行,如果第21行多于第17行,就填入第21行减第17行,这是可退的税款,
23. 如果要退款直接存入银行帐户,请填写银行资料,Routing Number请洽询银行
24. 填0
Amount you owe
25. 如果第21行少于第17行,请填入第17行减第21行,这是要缴的税款
26. 填0
本页其它就仅需在Sign Here部份签名,日期及写下职业(Student),Paid Preparer部份免填
A. What country issued your passport? China
B. Were you ever a U.S. citizen? 选No
C. Give the purpose of your visit to the United States: Study
D. Type of entry visa and current nonimmigrant status and date of change: F-1, D/S, N/A
E. Date you entered the United States: 最近一次入境美国时间
F. Did you give up your permanent residence as an immigrant in the United States this year? 选No
G. Dates you entered and left the United States during the year. 去年出入美国时间,请依时间先后填写,护照上会有出入时间

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