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发表于 2014-9-15 12:36:18 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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恭喜找到工作(换了新工作)!在新的工作单位,不管你有多少工作经验,你就是个陌生人. 同事虽然表面上对你笑,实际上都在暗地里观察你,看你是否是一名合格的员工,你的为人处事是否和公司文化相符. 说白了,公司同事就是看你能否对上他们的“口味”, 是否能赢得他们的尊敬和信任. 如下这几招赶紧收好, 学习以最快的速度赢得新同事的认可,老板的认同, 并迅速融入公司环境.

1.迅速找到可以表现自己的领域, 找到自己可以帮助完成的事, 如一项繁琐的手续你发现一个可以建议操作的方法. 一个建议的打印机使用方法等等. 事情小没有关系,重要的是给人留下印象,你能做事!

It takes a while to truly master most jobs, so you’re not likely to get big results right away. But look around for spots where you might be able to quick get a win. Maybe there's a process you can make easier, a needed role you can fill, a client you can please or work you can move forward that was languishing before you arrived. Even small ways of demonstrating skill and value can go a long way toward establishing credibility and respect in your new workplace.

2. 迅速观察公司的企业文化,运作特点,从各个方面融入,  包括午饭时间的长短, 工作时长,是否加班等等, 不要做一个特立独行的人.

In addition to all the information you’re absorbing about how to do your new job, you’ll need to pay nearly as much attention to how the office operates. Fitting intooffice culture can matter enormously, and you risk coming across as tone-deaf if you don't pay attention the load of signals that will be coming your way about everything from what hours people work, to how long they take for lunch to how they communicate during the day (and how often).

3. 不要还按照以前公司的习惯做事, 观察新老板的做事风格. 按照他喜欢的方式调整你的工作。 老板喜欢用邮件谈工作? 还是电话 ? 还是面谈?  他喜欢什么时候安排会议? 小心观察起来,并用这些观察到的信息调整你的工作安排.  

  It can be tough to adjust to a new boss when you’re used to your old manager’s ways of doing things. Be sure that you’re not simply falling into the patterns your old boss preferred for things like what she does and doesn’t want to have input on and frequency and type of communication. For example, does she prefer email, phone or in-person meetings? And would she rather have scheduled meetings or talk ad hoc? You’ll pick up a lot of information about your new manager’s preferences simply by watching, but you should also feel free to ask directly about how she prefers to work.

4. 直接问上司“成功的第一个月工作”“成功的前六个月工作”应该是什么样子的? 这样可以直接为你提供自己需要在什么方面努力的信息, 也给自己的工作提供了非常有指标性的指导.

Most new hires don’t bother to explicitly ask this, and too many managers forget to elaborate on it. But talking through these questions will give you valuable information about what you need to achieve in order to be performing at the level your new boss expects. (And the answers can be a huge relief, if you’re feeling frazzled and discover that she’s assuming it will take you several months just to get oriented.) Speaking of questions …

5.  不懂可以直接问老板. 可以问的问题如下.
Don't be shy about asking your boss directly about what will help you settle in and understand what’s expected of you and what you can expect of others. Useful questions to discuss include:

What can I read to get a better understanding of _____?

Are there samples of how this has been done in the past that I could look at?

What recent history of the department or upcoming plans should I be aware of?

Do you like to talk about things as they come up, or do you prefer that I set up weekly meetings?

Are there any pitfalls you’ve seen people fall into when they're learning this job? Is there anything else I should be especially aware of?

6.上班第一天不要带糖果,饼干给同事分享. 别“用力过猛”, 不妨先观察一下办公室分享食物的规矩是什么. 先看看大家是怎么做的.

New hires sometimes think that bringing in candy or baked goods will make a good impression and win over their new colleagues. But in many offices, it will come across as over-eager – and after all, you don’t yet know the food-sharing norms of your new workplace. You don’t want to show up with a tray of chocolate nut brownies and discover there’s a ban on nuts, because there's an employee with a life-threatening allergy. Or maybe most of the office is dieting, or half of them are vegan. Learn a little about your new co-workers before bringing in food for the group.

7.保持中立的立场, 别选边站,卷入办公室争斗.

Even if you think you’re forming clear opinions about workplace disagreements or cliques, resist the urge to take sides or otherwise insert yourself. You don't yet have the perspective to truly know the issues or the players. And even if you’re right, people will generally respect you more for hanging back until you gain more familiarity.

8.上了两个礼拜的班以后,记得主动问上司关于自己工作的回馈, 看看自己哪些地方需要加强. 这样可以更好的调整自己的工作,同时给上司留下你工作负责的好印象.

Ideally, your manager would be checking in with you regularly and letting you know where you’re doing well and where you should be focusing on improving. In practice, though, managers are often too busy to think to do this. You can often get incredibly useful information – and come across as both conscientious and easy to manage – by simply asking, “Now that I’ve been here two weeks, what’s your sense of how things are going? Is there anything you’d like me to be focusing more on or doing differently?”


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发表于 2014-9-15 16:10:28 | 只看该作者

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