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[其它] 趁着还没毕业请好好珍惜校园生活的这些!



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发表于 2014-8-25 15:38:14 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 北美学霸快报 于 2014-8-25 14:50 编辑


1. 课后作业. 不管是和同学一起窝在图书馆啃书写作业还是自己单打独斗,慢慢熬过来的过程,那种刻骨铭心的滋味是永远难以忘怀的. 当然出了社会以后,也永远不会有了.  

“What the what! You can’t be serious,” you say? Well, I am. Doing homework in college is typically a very social activity. Whether it’s meeting your friends in the library after classes to vent about how awful your Statistics 201 professor is, or making plans to “get ahead” on your assignments for the semester (it never happens), doing work usually meant you had someone there nearby to help you get through it.

Even if you aren’t someone who liked having study buddies, you were always surrounded by people who were suffering through the same assignments and tests you were. You understood each other’s pain, and knew that somehow, someway, you were all going to get through it. When you’re out of college, you’ll most likely be stuck by yourself at a desk, lonely and friendless and under a strict deadline that your adult life depends on.

2.食堂的食物. 虽然食堂的食物不是那么好吃,但是只有毕业了以后才知道,外面吃顿好的是多么贵。 不然就是自己煮, 从买菜,洗菜,做饭到能吃上,是多少的不容易. 真的很怀念食堂大妈可以当场给我们做的早餐蛋卷有没有!

“You literally are crazy,” you yell at me. Trust me, I’m surprised at this, too.

Sure, the college food you are forced to eat in the dining hall tends to leave you cold, hungry and unsure about life in general. You stay away from the “home station” where the food that is being heated by lamps is the furthest thing from the home-cooked meals your mom prepares. The amount of fruit flies that swarm the salad dressing bottles is definitely a health violation, so you’re forced to resort to a grilled cheese sandwich for the fourth dinner in a row.

I never thought it was possible to miss this until I had to start to using actual money (not swipes) to pay for my meals. Even worse, I have to cook the food that I spend all my money on. And if I’m feeling lazy and want my dinner cooked for me, I’m easily dropping $20 for a decent meal. Most meals I wish I was back in my university’s dining hall, surrounded by friends, eating a grilled cheese (or two…).

3.生活开销. 毕业了,自己租房了,除了买肉买菜外,手纸,肥皂等任何细小的生活用品全都得自己掏钱来. 水电费,网络费,交通费,各种费,钱已经不够用了,还是在学校省事.

“…but I have to buy Keystone this weekend, what could be worse?” you whimper as a single tear rolls down your left cheek. Trust me.. at least you have money to buy beer this weekend. When I graduated from college and got a job, I had a vision of my bank account always being full and having enough money to live it large every weekend.

Between endless bills, rent, food, transportation and purchasing necessary items like soap and laundry detergent, your money will be gone from your account faster than you can figure out your budget for the week. When you’re paying $14 for a mixed drink in the real world, you’ll soon learn to appreciate the townie bars that have $1 drink specials.

In other words, my dreams of standing on the bar and making it rain to Beyonce’s “Upgrade U” have been put on hold, again, indefinitely.

4. 各种关系. 大学里的前任. 纯纯的校园恋爱,总是我们的痛. 人与人之间的关系.  大学里我们和同年龄差不多背景的一群人混了四年,嬉笑打闹,一起k书....那是回不去的那些年.

“You really think I’m going to miss my ex who broke up with me in front of everyone at the bar sophomore year?” you ask me as you clench your fists and your face turns purple. Okay, fine. You don’t have to actually miss that ex who clearly is an awful person, but you should miss the ease that college brought to all your relationships.

Hear me out. In college, you are surrounded by people who are all around the same age as you, at the same point in their life, who all are experiencing similar hardships, successes, and heartbreaks as you. You understand each other without realizing you

understand each other, and you will never again have that feeling once you leave college. When you’re no longer attending local college bars, you have to really converse with someone to find some common ground. It takes effort, and after you’ve had a long week at work and paid all your bills so you have no money, doing anything other than lying on your couch and watching HGTV while eating gummy bears is unappealing.

5. 朋友. 大学四年跟朋友一起度过.  一起上课,一起去锻炼,一起去酒吧,一起打游戏等等....几乎每天都在一起, 毕业以后就没有这每天在一起的朋友了. 成长意味着要开始孤独.

“My friends mean everything to me,” you say to me as you text your BFF Jill. I get it — my friends are my everything, too. When you’re in school, you’re surrounded by your besties 24/7. You live with them, you dine with them, you go to the gym with them, you sit next to them in class, you help each other home after one of you had too much to drink and fell asleep next to a townie on the bar. In other words, there are very few moments in your day when you aren’t with your friends.

These are the people who stick by you as you find out who you are through all of college’s trials and tribulations. It’s a beautiful thing, and by the end of your senior year, you will realize that your best friends have become an extension of your family. Please — if you take anything from this post — don’t ever take this for granted. There will come a time where you won’t have your amazing friends two doors down to binge-watch Netflix and eat pizza with. They will be spread out throughout the country chasing their dreams, and you will be forced to find a new group of friends to share moments like these as part of the new, post-graduate chapter of your life. While it is all part of moving on and growing up, there will never again be a bond quite like the one you share with your college friends.

FROM : College

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使用道具 举报



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发表于 2014-8-25 15:45:21 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2014-8-25 15:57:03 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报


梦想还是要有的 万一见鬼了呢→_→

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13


发表于 2014-8-26 00:07:47 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2014-9-7 07:45:16 | 只看该作者

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