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[学习/校园/考试] 万能的论坛 chegg求帮查题



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


发表于 2016-12-2 00:23:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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使用道具 举报


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12


发表于 2016-12-2 05:49:50 | 只看该作者
Must compile on C++ using codeblocks. Don't submit half answered.


// FILENAME: Lab.cpp

// SPECIFICATION: This program uses a 3 x 7 two dimensional array to store how

// many pounds of food three monkeys eats each day in a week.

// The array is passed to functions to find total, average and

// food consumption in a specific day, etc.

// INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following code skeleton and add your own code

// according to the comments. Ask your TA or your class-

// mates for help and/or clarification.

// When you see //---- that is where you need to add code.


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const double NUM_MONKEYS = 3;

const double NUM_DAYS = 7;

// Function prototypes

void getData(double[NUM_MONKEYS][NUM_DAYS]);

//declare a function called 'findGroupTotal' that takes a 2-dimensional array as input

//parameter (similar to above getData) and returns a double value representing the total

//amount of food the 3 monkeys consumed in a week

double findGroupTotal(double[NUM_MONKEYS][NUM_DAYS]);

int main()


// A 2-D array that holds the pounds of food consumed

// by each monkey on each day of the week

double food[NUM_MONKEYS][NUM_DAYS];

// Call the getData function to input the data into the 2-D array 'food'


cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

//call 'findGroupTotal' function on 2-D array 'food' to compute the

//total amount of food eaten by the 3 monkeys in a whole week.

double total = findGroupTotal(food[NUM_MONKEYS][NUM_DAYS]);

//Declare a double variable called 'dailyAvg', it represents average amount

//of food eaten per day by the 3 monkeys. Compute its value by using 'total'

double dailyAvg = total / NUM_DAYS;

// Display the dailyAvg by showing a message on screen.

cout << "\n\nAverage amount of food eaten per day \n"

<< "by the entire family of monkeys = " << dailyAvg << " pounds. \n\n";

//Find Monkey #1's consumption of food during the week.

//Note: for 'food' 2-D array, each row represents a different monkey and

// each column represents a different day of the week. Index for both

// row and column starts from 0.

double totalOne = 0.0;

for (int day = 0; day < NUM_DAYS; day++)

totalOne += food[0][day];

cout << "Monkey #1 eat total of " << totalOne << " pounds of food in this week. \n\n";

//Use above as an example, find Monkey #2's consumption of food during the week

//and show the output on screen similarly. Declare all necessary local variables

double totaltwo = 0.0;

for (int day = 0; day < NUM_DAYS; day++)

totaltwo += food[0][day];

cout << "Monkey #2 eat total of " << totaltwo << " pounds of food in this week. \n\n";

//Use above as an example, find Monkey #3's consumption of food during the week

//and show the output on screen similarly. Declare all necessary local variables

double totalthree = 0.0;

for (int day = 0; day < NUM_DAYS; day++)

totalthree += food[0][day];

cout << "Monkey #2 eat total of " << totalthree << " pounds of food in this week. \n\n";

//Find the average of food the 3 monkeys eat on Monday

double totalMonday = 0.0;

for (int monkey = 0; monkey < 3; monkey ++)

totalMonday += food[monkey][0];

double averageMon = totalMonday / 3.0;

cout << "The 3 monkeys eat an average " << averageMon << " pounds of food on Monday. \n";

//Use above as an example, find the average of food the 3 monkeys eat on Saturday

//and show the output on screen similarly. Declare all necessary local variables

double totalSaturday = 0.0;

for (int monkey = 0; monkey < 3; monkey ++)

totalSaturday += food[monkey][0];

double averageSat = totalSaturday / 3.0;

cout << "The 3 monkeys eat an average " << averageMon << " pounds of food on Monday. \n";

cout << "The 3 monkeys eat an average " << averageSat << " pounds of food on Saturday. \n";

return 0;



// getData Function

// Note: we use a nested for loop here, the outer for loop

// iterates on monkeys and the inner for loop iterates

// on days of the week.


void getData(double food[NUM_MONKEYS][NUM_DAYS])


for (int monkey = 0; monkey < NUM_MONKEYS; monkey++)


//**When submit on server, you need to comment out the following cout line

cout << "\nEnter pounds of food eaten by monkey #" << (monkey+1) << " on \n";

for (int day = 0; day < NUM_DAYS; day++)


cout << "day " << (day+1) << ": ";

//write a cin statement that store the data user entered inside 'food' 2-D array

cin >> food[monkey][day];





// The findGroupTotal function takes a 2-dimensional array as input

// parameter and returns a double value representing the total

// amount of food the 3 monkeys consumed in a whole week


double findGroupTotal(double food[NUM_MONKEYS][NUM_DAYS]);


double total = 0.0;

//you need to write a nested for loop to compute the total

//the outer for loop iterates on monkeys and the inner for loop

//iterates on days of the week.

for (int monkey = 0; monkey < NUM_MONKEYS; monkey++)


for (int day = 0; day < NUM_DAYS; day++)

total += food[monkey][day];


return total;

猫头鹰眼睛一瞪 发现事情 没有辣么简单

使用道具 举报


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-2 11:21:27 | 只看该作者
月見藥 发表于 2016-12-2 05:49
Must compile on C++ using codeblocks. Don't submit half answered.

/*------------------------------- ...


使用道具 举报

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