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倾城若只是浮世的个人空间 https://www.moonbbs.com/?65739 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



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倾城若只是浮世 2014-5-7 13:23
Sure, I can check it out. Could you give me her wechat? Thanks.
Mmm_檬 2014-5-7 12:06
倾城若只是浮世: I dont know why i cannot reply you in your theme. So, you said you have a wechat of that RV seller? But i m not sure is he/her is a Chinese, like help ...
她是美国人哈~LA SOUTH COAST PLAZA 的店员,哪有seller会不想有很多客户找她买鞋子呢??