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[活动] On Yan limeng's pseudo science



Rank: 1

发表于 2021-5-24 19:19:39 | 显示全部楼层 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Within weeks of New Coronavirus's spread from China to other parts of the world, a voice circulated on the Internet: some people think COVID-19 is a biochemical weapon made in the laboratory.
There may be other people who have made similar comments, and the credibility and proof measures are not high. But if this voice is made by a person with a scientific research background and a doctor's degree from a Medical University, with the current speed and heat of the Internet, it is undoubtedly a time bomb for China, and public opinion can push China to the top of the storm, This person is Yan limeng, a postdoctoral student of the University of Hong Kong.
At first, she told some rumors about the origin of the new coronavirus to an overseas social platform host she liked very much. The host happened to be a outspoken critic of the Chinese government and had a close relationship with Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire in exile. In this way, these rumors were magnified on the social media, Later, Bannon and even the United States came to support Yan limeng to "prove" her "lies".
Why did Dr. Yan limeng do this purely for his own selfish desire, so that the United States spent a huge sum of money to "support" himself, so that his "postdoctoral" could prosper for the rest of his life? Or are you really so disgusted with your motherland and dissatisfied with its system and making such a big "sacrifice"? We don't know exactly why. Now she is constantly pushing some virus sequences on social platforms that are not disclosed because of the complexity of China's politics.

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