
标题: 【里和外】【卡尔二代】secret menu往这看 [打印本页]

作者: 北美吃货快报    时间: 2012-12-14 01:41
标题: 【里和外】【卡尔二代】secret menu往这看
吃货们可以看一看 In-N-Out 红色字都是可以点的名称 有兴趣的童鞋去试试吧

Carl's Jr小编不太清楚是不是有secret menu 但是小编去卡尔二代只吃一种汉堡 这个汉堡在很多店是不在菜单上的 叫 jalapeno burger 有regular size和six dollar size 前者就是一般大小 后者相当大 吃个汉堡顶大半天没问题 这个汉堡有很浓郁的烧烤牛肉的味道 很香很香 然后再配上jalapeno酸酸辣辣 这个时候 如果你选择替换面包为lettuce wrap 那么你就可以尝到全天下最juicy的汉堡了 找机会试试吧吃货们

Stock: If you ordered your burgers off the menu they would come with:
but instead consider ...
Custom Burgers
Note: Many of these styles can be ordered in combination (for example, Double-Double Animal Style No Salt).
This section would be awesome if it had pictures for each option. Add them if you have them. Or have an adventure next time you go to In-N-Out and order one of these you haven't had before!
Animal style is the most popular "secret" style. In addition to the standard toppings, animal style burgers include:
Protein style, popular among Atkins dieters, no/low carb eaters and people who just like lots of lettuce:
3×3, 4×4, or generally M × C refers to a burger with a varied number of meat patties (first number, M) and slices of cheese (second number, C). For example, the popular Double-Double would be 2×2 (pronounced "Two-by-two" when you order it), while a burger with 3 meat patties and 1 slice of cheese would be a 3×1 (a "three-by-one").
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Double-Meat (a.k.a. 2×0) is a Double-Double with no cheese.
The Flying Dutchman:
Grilled Cheese:

Veggie Burger or Wish Burger:
Burger Options
Mustard fried patty spread with mustard, then cooked. This also adds pickles, unless you tell them to hold the pickles. You can also ask for heavy mustard fried.
Chopped chilis adds some yellow chilies to the bottom of your burger. Medium heat, little bit of vinegar flavor. (You can also ask for these on the side!)
Mustard and/or ketchup can be substituted for the spread. Only designates no spread. Cashiers may ask if you want ketchup or mustard instead.
No-salt has no salt added to the the patties. Once you add the condiments and cheese, you don't need the extra salt anyway and you can leave without feeling like a dried-out-but-satsfied lump.
Extra toasted bun/lightly toasted bun/untoasted bun. The bun come toasted by default, but you can ask to have the level of toastyness varied. The buns are toasted to add some rigidity to the burger, as an untoasted bun is flimsy under the weight of all the meat/cheese/condiments. This also prevents sauces and toppings from excessively soaking into the bun, thereby avoiding the last-bites-are-soggy problem. This needs to be the first modification requested, based on keystroke order into the register.
Extra everything - Extra tomatoes, extra lettuce, extra onion, extra spread, extra pickles, extra onions, extra chilis. You can ask for all of these at no extra charge. They'll really fill out your burger and make it a more balanced meal, especially if you're a veggie fan. Onions can come in four ways: whole raw, whole grilled, chopped grilled (like animal style) and chopped raw. You can also ask for both raw and grilled onions in the same burger.
Medium rare or well done. You can specify how well done your hamburger patties are. FYI: Medium rare will definitely show a pink middle.
An animal style cheeseburger, with chiles, extra everything ($2.20)
Custom FriesCustom DrinksMilk ShakesOtherSide Items
These items are free:

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