
标题: SAS、CDISC培训!!!(两周免费试听) [打印本页]

作者: jewelzhu    时间: 2016-4-11 16:36
标题: SAS、CDISC培训!!!(两周免费试听)
请加入我们wizsolution团队吧。 我们老师有多年 clinical sasprogramming经验,业务精通,小班中文授课
我们为您提供SAS、CDISC培训,模拟面试,简历书写指导,前学员面试机经,并最终安排学员面试。 只要你对自己的学习能力有信心,我们保证给所有学员安排到满意的公司。
同时我们提供 H1-B Sponsor,省去你的后顾之忧。
不用再担心被印度咨询公司坑,我们团队有一群立志在美国立足的中国伙伴,大家一起学习讨论,一起买菜做饭,在这个异域他乡,抱团度过在拿到offer前这段艰苦而黑暗的日子!(prefer candidates who are fresh graduated in MS in statistical, biostatistical, engineer, mathematic major.actuarial science


My name is Kevin Zhang, and I am a senior recruiter at Wizsolution LLC. I have extensive knowledge in SAS programming, and possess over 6 years of work history in the pharmaceutical industry as a Sr clinical SAS programmer.  The mission of our company is to connect highly motivated professionals as yourself to pharmaceutical industry.
If you are interested in obtaining a Sr SAS programmer position in the pharmaceutical world, please let me know because our company provides two to six months (depending on your skill level) free training in advance SAS and CDISC, clinical trial knowledge, interview strategy. This intense course will help you to succeed through the interview process.
联系人:Jewel Zhu               微信号:jewelzhu0210      Email:zhuwenjie221@126.com (发简历到此邮箱,辅导老师会从简历开始了解你哟~)

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