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已有 120 次阅读2015-1-19 01:00 | zanottis, christian loub

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the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation passed along,hollister california, and also hope to have more Learn more people to them, we work together to create peace and harmony in Changchun contribute.(Reporter intern Tao Bin Cheng / Zhao Yu reportTaiwan News Online May 23 (Strait Herald correspondent in Taiwan Xue Yang) "5? 21" **ei MRT (ie subway) Murder Left 4 dead 21 injured, the new North District Prosecutors Office yesterday morning to the new North District Court sound Please custody ban See suspect Zheng Jie, the Court held in custody at about 6:00 tribunal ruling on custody just 10 minutes.Zheng Jie was yesterday around 1:00, police moved from seamount police station, where they will have the anger of the people wanted to beat him, but were separated by police. After the investigation team to ask, 2:39,moncler doudoune, Zheng Jie moved to the new North District Prosecutors Office from seamount police station.

after the completion of the party for the new settlement process, giving him number "1892." The party concerns security issues, consider arranging single room, let him alone, and sent administrator "close attention"!According to reports, in the interrogation process, revealing the murderer Zheng Jie idea to die, but chilling confession. He said the military had chosen to read is to kill more people want to exercise. Was trying to kill.







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